Monday, October 25, 2010

3-D Mostly Ghostly

Things you will need :
Rubber bands
Get any lollipops

Then put tissues over lollipops then wrap rubber bands around
Draw a face on the tissues

Get any kind of frame

Then have a parent hot glue the complete ghost to the frame without the glass

This is the final piece!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Super Simple Spooky Ghost

Don't rip your hair out with this only takes a few minutes to make.
This is what you'll need:
Empty Containers
A balloon
A sheet
Ghost face pattern
Double stick tape


Stack the containers with the balloon on top. We stacked ours on a plant stand but you could stack them anywhere.

Then put the sheet over the containers.

Then add the ghost face pattern with double stick tape.

This is what you'll have.....that wasn't so hard was it?

We link up here:
Tatertots and Jello

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Specimen Jars

When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
'tis near Halloween!
~Author Unknown

For our first project, we wanted to make something really creepy.
We think we did a great job!

This is what we had to work with.....

Don't be frightened, these body parts are just gummy candy.

The Bat Bone & Brain Broth is perfect for any stew.

We'll get a label added to this one soon.

 Take caution...these witch wart's just might pop!

Candy Necklaces

Spiderwebs...don't get caught!

Look out! The eyeballs are watching you.

These were made from old bouncy balls.

The Bat Droppings are really Milk Duds.

Let us know if you ever need fur of a Werewolf.

Underneath mummy nothing but dust.

Beware, don't get cut on those vampire teeth!

Here's our complete set of specimen jars...

We are linking up here:

Saturday, September 4, 2010


This is us. 

I am Sarah.....

and this is Meghan......

We are 10 and 8 years old. We created a blog to show off our talents. We will show you step-by-step, hand on activities and crafts we created ourselves. Enjoy our blog.